Category Archives: Uncategorized

Linen quality – what to pay attention to?

We have already mentioned the quality of linen on our blog many times. We have [...]

Linen for a cool night – will linen bedding keep us warm in winter?

Winter is coming – the time of cinnamon tea, candles with the scent of pine [...]

Magical linen legends

Andrzejki (St. Andrews Day) on the night of November 29 is full of magical Slavic [...]

Interesting facts about linen

Lniane ciekawostki. Wielokrotnie na naszym blogu mówiłyśmy o właściwościach lnu, o wykorzystywaniu tkaniny w aranżacjach [...]

Linen and linen muslin – differences and similarities

Ostatnio na naszym Instagramie pojawiały się pytania o lniany muślin, z uwzględnieniem podobieństw i różnić [...]

Guide: how often should you change your bed sheets and how to care for linen?

Jak często zmieniać pościel i jak dbać o len? Coraz częściej na naszą skrzynkę oraz [...]

October – the month of linen!

October is not only the month when we take out warm woolen sweaters from the [...]

Natural, artificial and synthetic fabrics. Why does the material matter?

Recently, consumer awareness is growing stronger, and the value of clothes or textiles is not [...]

Facts and myths about linen

We can talk endlessly about the properties of linen. Its durability, naturalness and compliance with [...]

Linen in the garden and on the balcony – how can you use it for social occasions?

Long conversations in the fresh air can be accompanied by delicious grill snacks and salads [...]